You Can Make A Difference in Fracking On Public Lands
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House Energy Bills Would Unleash Fracking Free-For-All on Public Lands
In a
Nation of Change Article - House Bills Would Release Fracking Free-For-All on Public Lands
they follow up on the three bills we saw introduce3d last week. The bills,
H.R. 1900,
H.R. 1965 and
H.R. 2728,
would give industry complete control over federal lands, and shut down
the public’s voice. Worse yet, they would actually force development on
precious lands in such places as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in
Alaska. Already the White House has threatened to veto two of the bills.
The article further states that:
H.R. 1965
The first bill,
H.R. 1965, is sponsored
by Rep. Lamborn (R-CO). This would direct that federal lands be managed
for the primary purpose of energy development, rather than for
stewardship balancing multiple uses including recreation. Astonishingly,
it also would curb and then penalize the public for raising concerns
about oil and gas projects on public lands that may affect them.
H.R. 2728
The second bill,
H.R. 2728,
is sponsored by Rep. Flores (R-TX). It would overturn decades of
precedent to undermine protection of federal lands with the goal of
fracking for oil and natural gas.
It basically puts states in charge of fracking on federal lands
within that state’s borders. And it tells the Department of Interior,
charged with managing federal lands wisely for future generations, to
butt out., and
H.R. 1900
The third bill up,
H.R. 1900, is sponsored by Rep. Pompeo (R-KS). It would rush approval of natural gas
pipelines with disregard for potential impacts on the public and on clean water and air.
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission would have only one year to
consider a completed permit application for a pipeline, despite the fact
that such projects often are complicated, risky and take longer to
evaluate. Other agencies would have only three months to sign off on
associated permits required by the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act.
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big GOP bills are set to hit the House floor this week, giving
Republicans something to be thankful for as they return to their home
districts for the Thanksgiving recess. Here’s what you need to know:
Drilling permits: The House is scheduled to get to
H.R. 1965, the Federal Lands Jobs and Energy Security Act, on Tuesday.
This bill, which cleared the Natural Resources Committee back in July,
accelerates onshore drilling permit decision and would require a quarter
of nominated acreage be made available for leasing. The Interior
Department opposes the bill, and testified earlier this year that it
speeds up energy development “at the expense of sound public land
management, public participation, and environmental review.”
Fracking regulations: On Wednesday, lawmakers will
consider H.R. 2728, the Protecting States’ Rights to Promote American
Energy Security Act. Rep. Bill Flores's bill, which cleared committee on
a largely party line vote, would block Interior from enforcing any
federal fracking regulation in states that already have similar
regulations or guidance for fracking on the books. Democrats complained
that the bill’s language is too broad and would allow practically any
state fracking requirement to supersede federal authority.
Natural gas pipelines: And rounding out the week, on
Thursday the House is scheduled to vote on H.R. 1900, Rep. Mike
Pompeo’s Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act. The legislation
would speed up decisions on natural gas pipelines by giving FERC a
12-month deadline to make a decision (other agencies would have 90 days
to weigh in once FERC completes environmental reviews). After the
deadline, projects would be automatically approved. Democrats also
oppose this bill, saying it would inadvertently cause FERC to reject
applications because of too-tight deadlines.
the Salt Lake City Tribune: “The Bureau of Land Management is
withholding most of the federal acreage in Emery County that it had
proposed to lease for oil and gas development, including parcels in and
around the San Rafael Swell, citing a need to reconsider archeological
and natural values that drilling could spoil. The agency’s quarterly
auction in Salt Lake City next week was shaping up to be its most
controversial since climate activist Tim DeChristopher disrupted a sale
five years ago with a string of bogus bids on parcels near Utah national
parks. But after fielding concerns from various groups and citizens,
BLM state director Juan Palma on Friday hit the pause button.” SLCT:
You may recall when Tim DeChristopher bid on every parcel of land in an auction until they figured out something was awry and shut him down. It was great, a brave and active guy.
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Fracking Industry Campaign Contributions At Record Levels, Report Shows
In a
HuffPost Green Article = November 24, 2013 they report: Fracking industry contributions to congressional campaigns spiked 231
percent between 2004 and 2012 in districts and states with fracking
activity, according to a
report released Wednesday.
Compiled by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and based on
MapLight's collection
of federal campaign contribution data, the report showed a smaller,
131-percent uptick in fracking industry contributions to candidates
outside of fracking areas. The fracking industry's level of
contributions increased steadily from $4.3 million to just under $12
million between 2004 and 2012, according to the report, just as
fracking's importance to the U.S. energy industry grew.
Go To to Register and Track YOUR Politicians and Legislation |
What YOU Can Do To Not Allow Fracking On Public Lands
This link's Home Page is the easiest page to use to find, and track, legislation in the House of Representatives or U.S. Senate. You can find your U.S. Senators and your Congressmen/women. This site is not the best for State Legislation. Click on the link and you can simply search for a bill number, e.g. H.R. 1900, keywords of a bill, or by putting in your Zip Code, or address, you can find who your Representatives are and track them as well.
This link Home Page is the easiest page to use to find, and track, STATE legislation in your STATE government. This site is not the best for
bills in the House of Representatives or the Senate. Click on the link and you can simply search for a
bill number, e.g. S 7722A , keywords of a bill, or by putting in your
Zip Code, or address, you can find who your State Assemblymen/women and State Senators are, and track
them as well.
On the bills we're talking about in this post use's Home Page, if you haven't already, "Register," you'll be glad you did. Then login. Once your logged in, look to the right of where your name is, at the top right of the page, and you'll see a "Search" box. Enter a bill number, (today you may want to do all three, but do them separately) e.g. H.R. 1900 and hit "Enter." you will see this:
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After you click on "Track this bill" you will be able to select to receive e-mail updates and add the bill to any lists that you set up. You should at least click on the radio button next to "e-mail" so you will receive an e-mail whenever the bill is coming up for action, or has been voted on.
Next you'll notice either a "Call Congress," if the bill is expected to be acted on soon, or you may see a button to help you "Write a Letter (or email) your Representative.
Try it now! Contact YOUR Representatives on issues you care about.
Another great site to use is
POPVOX Home Page for tracking Congressmen/women and Senators and bills in the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. You can also choose whether to "Support" or "Oppose" a bill and it will make sending an e-mail to your Representatives letting them know how you feel REALLY EASY!
Please try at least one of these sites to "Search"
HR 1900
HR 1965
HR 2728
and TRACK THESE BILLS, and e-mail or call, your Congressmen/women since the bills will be voted on soon in the Congress!