After reading an article by Politicus USA, Thursday, April 30, 2015
George W. Bush Reminds Americans Why He Was a Failure and An Idiot that discusses how Bush was in Las Vegas speaking for money over the weekend and although
his comments were not for public consumption, a lot of people were
reminded what an ignoramus George W. Bush really is, I had to follow up on a post I made yesterday on how exasperated I was that Former President George W. Bush says that President Obama "Helped Create ISIS."
Addicting Info, April 30, 2015, White House Hits Back at George W. Bush, Says He Helped Create ISIS
Yesterday I felt I had to remind people how Former President George W. Bush, Former Vice President DICK Cheney, and that administration, had out right lied to the American people to sell them on going to war with Iraq.
Post on my Facebook page April 29, 2015 Stop The Obstructionist Tea Party You can see how I recounted that they (Bush, Cheney) chose to lie about intelligence. President Bush sent Former Ambassador Joseph Miller to Niger to see if, in fact, Iraq had purchased a large amount of "Yellow Cake" uranium to be able to create nuclear weapons. Former President Bush at the time said he (Ambassador Miller) was the most qualified to obtain this information. When the Ambassador returned from his trip and said there was NO WAY it could have possibly happened. President Bush chose to go on TV shortly after that and said just the opposite. Lying, to "sell" the war to the American people he said they confirmed that Iraq had secured material to make nuclear weapons. When Joseph Miller went public and told what was happening, that the White House was in fact not telling the truth, the administration set out to destroy him, and his wife Valerie Plame, by "outing" his wife Valerie Plame as a CIA operative. When Cheney's friend Scooter Libby was indicted on two counts of
perjury, two counts of
making false statements to
federal investigators, and one count of
obstruction of justice. He was convicted on 4 of the 5 counts in the federal trial
United States v. Libby. On June 5, 2007, the presiding trial judge, Libby was sentenced 30 months in federal prison, a fine of $250,000, and
two years of supervised release, including 400 hours of
community service,
and then ordered Libby to begin his sentence immediately.
On July 2, 2007, when Libby's appeal of Walton's order failed, President Bush
commuted Libby's 30-month prison sentence, the former President commuted his sentence. Vice President Cheney was very upset at the President for letting his friend Libby have to go through any of that and for not commuting the entire sentence immediately. So because Former Ambassador Joseph Miller didn't go along with the President of the United States completely lying to go to war their lives were put in jeopardy and destroyed.
Jon Stewart brings Another To Task For Protecting The Lies, Judith Miller
Judith Miller on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart April 29, 2015 |
Last night on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" Jon brings another person to task for trying to explain the lies taking place at that time, Judith Miller, in her new book "The Story - A Reporter's Journey." Below is a link to see last night's episode for anyone who really wants to know the truth about the lies told to sell the Iraq war to the American people. A war of convenience and profit. If anyone that believes, backs, supports, or otherwise tries to tell people that Former President George W. Bush wasn't responsible for thousands of American soldiers dying and being wounded, and for 655,000 Iraq civilians being killed for a war that was simply pushed onto America with lies, they should watch the episode below. It shows yet another person making money off that war by writing a book full of more lies. Even people who "only watch Faux News" will see that she is caught trying to sell the lies. An awful lot of lives and families were destroyed for a few peoples greed, arrogance, stupidity, and complete lack of morals.
He discusses another lie than the one I discussed in yesterday's post. He discusses the one about the aluminum tubes that were SAID to be used to manufacture nuclear weapons, when in fact, they knew, they were not that type of tubes that could be used to do so. More misleading propaganda, lies, used to sell the war of convenience and greed. When Jon Stewart reminds her (Judith Miller) that in her book she states that David Albright is the source that she
utmost trusts in this area yet published an article saying the tubes were bought to make nuclear weapons without talking to him. He says that David Albright called her on that Tuesday after the page 1 article appeared and told her that her article was wrong, the tubes in question are used to make rockets, not centrifuges or nuclear weapons. He asked why didn't she mention that in a subsequent article she published a few days later (on page 13)? Why? Why did she ignore him that subsequent article? She said she did mention it. He corrected her again. He said no you didn't, it wasn't in the article. She says "maybe it was cut for space"! REALLY!? WAIT WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How stupid does she and all of the people on the "White House Iraq Group" (an actual group that was created in the White House, (undisputed) made up of people like Karl Rove and others who were given the task of fulfilling Donald Rumsfeld's request of "finding a pretext to go to war with Iraq.") "Find me a pretext to go to war with Iraq" is a direct quote from Donald Rumsfeld which also is not disputed. Here you have someone else profiting off the Iraq war by writing a book and trying, still, to protect the lies about why all those American soldiers were killed and maimed along with 655,000 Iraq civilians. It's truly sickening that the former President and his administration sold America on a war-for-profit and convenience and killed and injured so many people. For Bush or Cheney to offer ANY opinion they might have, or to say this President (who is still cleaning up their mess in foreign policy or economics is a slap in the face to all Americans.What is worse is that people listen to their garbage and to this day try to defend it.