The Only Way We’re Going To Slow Down the Injustices is to Overturn Citizens United – Your Help is Needed
Who was Guilty of What – Graphic by
Remember the money you had in your 401k when the financial collapse happened? Remember the money you had built up in the equity in your home when the financial industries greed caused a near global economic collapse? We know who has your money! No, they’re not in jail, they’re living very comfortably on your money, and even getting richer while they block all regulation to prevent it from happening again.
The following is from Bloomberg Opinion – Prosecutor’s Balk, Bankers Walk, January 21, 2014.
The chance for senior government officials to make millions of dollars after their public service ends convinces them -– subliminally or not -– to pull their punches. No doubt that’s why Jimmy Cayne, the former chief executive officer of Bear Stearns & Co., continues to enjoy playing bridge and golf, his $400 million-plus fortune, his sprawling mansion in Elberon, New Jersey, and his duplex at the Plaza Hotel.
Dick Fuld, the former CEO of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., testified before Congress that his 2000-2007 Lehman compensation was about $310 million. He later conceded it could have been $350 million. The real number is closer to $520 million, according to people who prepared and studied Lehman’s public filings.
When Stan O’Neal resigned from Merrill Lynch & Co. in 2007, less than a year before it almost went bankrupt, he was given a parting gift of $161.5 million and a board seat — which he still holds — at Alcoa Inc.
Folks these are some of the people that have YOUR money, the money that used to be in the 401k’s, your equity in your house, you know, the money the middle class used to have!
About 3,500 bank executives went to jail after the 1980s savings-and-loan crisis, which wasn’t nearly as devastating as the 2008 debacle.
Not even the oleaginous Angelo Mozilo, the former Countrywide Financial Corp. CEO who walked off center stage with a net worth of about $600 million, has spent time in jail for creating and selling billions of dollars of squirrelly home mortgages that found their way into the securities that Wall Street sold to investors.
When Tim Geithner, the former Treasury secretary, takes over as president of Warburg Pincus LLC, the private-equity firm, even a high-school dropout can discern a pattern.
When the general counsels at JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp. and Deutsche Bank AG — Stephen Cutler, Gary Lynch and Richard Walker, respectively – previously had been directors of enforcement at the SEC, the picture becomes perfectly clear.
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If we are not successful in getting the states to pass resolutions to get the Congress to overturn Citizens United, and even worse, if the U.S. Supreme court sides with McCutcheon in McCutcheon v FEC, which they probably will because the same “Conservative-5″ are still there, we are only going to see things get worse in many areas, the least not being income inequality. So far 16 states have passed resolutions, there are over 120 organizations working on getting these State resolutions. Join in, go to to be a part of getting our Republic back!
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