Sunday, May 17, 2015

Children Should Be Fully Vaccinated, Period. Thimerosal Should Be Completely Removed From Vaccines, Period.

Vaccines Have Saved Hundreds of Millions - Thimerosal Has Increased Incidents of Autism Related Diseases

John A. Smith, Writer, Editor. May 17, 2015

Infectious Diseases Have Killed Millions, Vaccines Have Saved Possibly Hundreds of Millions - Children Should Be Fully Vaccinated, Period

     Infectious diseases have killed millions of people. Nearly 50,000 men, women and children are dying every day from infectious diseases; many of these diseases could be prevented or cured for as little as a single dollar per head, the World Health Organization says in The World Health Report published 1996.  World Health Report Press Release 1996   The 1996 World Health Report also states that out of all deaths, 52 million, from all causes, in 1995, 17 million were due to infectious diseases, 9 million of those deaths were children. To make things worse deadly strains of microbes have become resistant to antibiotics.  Drug-resistant strains of microbes are having a deadly impact on the fight against tuberculosis, malaria, cholera, diarrhoea [sic] and pneumonia - major diseases which together killed more than 10 million people last year. Some bacteria are resistant to as many as 10 different drugs.When I was a child, born 1958, I received 3 vaccines. My children received 22 vaccines. Today there are 69 vaccines on the Schedule of Mandatory Vaccines issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that children receive. Immunization Schedules - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . In 1983, the CDC directed doctors to give a child no more than 4 vaccines (DPT, polio) simultaneously. By 2013, the CDC directed that a child can receive 8 or more vaccines at once.  More than 732,000 children's lives have been saved in the past 20 years due to routine vaccinations, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, 322 million cases of kids getting sick were prevented, according to the report.
 Vaccination Has Saved 732,000 Children's Lives Since 1994 - liveScience April 24, 2014 . In March 2012 the CDC published an "Information For Parents" data sheet that informs parents of their Risks and Responsibilities of People Who Choose Not To Vaccinate Their Children. There is no doubt that having your children fully vaccinated is not only important for you and your family but for the community and public at large. But there are some concerns with a preservative that is used in multi-dose vials of the vaccines that have real science, cover-ups by the CDC, and a lot of people making a tremendous amount of money keeping the facts from you.

The Real Problem We Face Is That People Are Refusing To Fully Vaccinate Their Children - Why are People Refusing To Fully Vaccinate Their Children? 

     The problem of more and more people refusing to vaccinate their children is one that can effect all of us. When I hear some of the excuses people give for not wanting to fully vaccinate their children I just want to scream. "My child cries when he gets a shot," "My child is too young to get so many vaccines." I'll use a response from a New York State Department of Health Vaccine Safety Data Sheet" which seems to adequately answer those excuses; More important than all of these excuses is one simple fact: A child's immune system is more vulnerable without vaccinations. And if it weren't for vaccinations, many children would become crippled or die from the severity of diseases such as measles, pertussis and Hib. See "The Diseases Vaccines Prevent and How" for more information. So why are people ignorant to how important vaccines are? Because they have a lack of faith in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.) There have been four separate federal studies that say that the CDC is a very troubled and dysfunctional agency. Studies by the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Senate, the Inspector General of Health and Human Services (HHS,) and this year by the Office of Research Integrity (ORI.) I tried to find that study and ran into problems. 

     The first thing I found when I searched ORI, ORI Study of CDC, etc., was that the first four organic results were articles from the CDC about unrelated topics. It's not easy to be the first four organic results on a Google search, so this took work by the CDC. Then I found that David Wright was the Director of the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) until he resigned last year in March out of frustration with the “remarkably dysfunctional” federal bureaucracy. David was widely accepted to become the Director when he was tapped  two years earlier, but apparently, didn't accept the dysfunction or bureaucracy that he found at the ORI. He wrote a scathing resignation letter that the huge amount of time he spent trying to get things done made much of his time at ORI “the very worst job I have ever had.”. Top U.S. Scientific Misconduct Official Quits in Frustration With Bureaucracy - ScienceMag March 12, 2014 .

     As aforementioned the study I was searching for was done this year by the Office of Research Integrity (ORI.) It was said to be the fourth to be done and find dysfunction and/or corruption at the CDC. It was mentioned by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in a video TRACE AMOUNTS Q&A with Robert F. Kennedy jr in Sacramento at the Crest on April 7, 2015 . My Google search for the study of the CDC which found dysfunction and corruption is buried somewhere and links that you think would get you there redirect you elsewhere. Not a good sign for an agency claiming to be transparent, and not to be misdirecting, misleading, or hiding something. When I did that Google search for "ORI" or "ORI Study" or "ORI Study of the CDC" on May 17, 2015 at about 3:30PM EDT, as I said,  the first four organic search results articles were from the CDC! Don't believe me? Look!

Results of a Google search of "the office of research integrity study of the CDC" on May 17, 2015

     The first organic result is "CDC - Scientific Integrity" when you click on it you get a PDF file of their policy that "supposed" to be followed. The second, and even more laughable search result is the CDC "Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct" HA! I can not believe what they have on this page. Look at this, there "Response to Allegations of Research Misconduct" is to give you a "Lab Incident Anthrax Report" and state that this is an action taken by the CDC to fix Research Misconduct? "CDC Director Releases After-Action Report on Recent Anthrax Incident; Highlights Steps to Improve Laboratory Quality and Safety" Are you kidding me? Even the statement is wrong, it says the Director "Highlights steps to Improve Laboratory Quality and Safety" WHAT?! The title of the link is  "Response to Allegations of Research Misconduct," a 6 year old child could have better disguised this poor attempt to mislead and frustrate people from finding out true facts about their misleading and false statements about the actual data that was collected on vaccines and the use of Thimerosal. Then the page has the audacity to say "Integrity is a core value of the CDC" and gives you their exhaustively long definition of what an "Integrity Concept" is. I can't take anymore when they talk about how "The mission of CDC mandates that its activities have the highest level of integrity to promote top quality public health." and that "OSI was established within OADS yada, yada, yada," STOP! please. It makes me literally sick to think how much taxpayer money is spent on people whom are entrusted to protect public health issues, and what they do instead is find ways to make millions of dollars for themselves while actually harming millions of people and not caring in the least about the damage they caused!
This is what is found on the second organic result for a search of "ORI" "ORI Study of CDC" entitled "Response to Allegations of Research Misconduct"

Lab Incident Anthrax Report

CDC Director Releases After-Action Report on Recent Anthrax Incident; Highlights Steps to Improve Laboratory Quality and Safety
Lab Safety at CDC
Report on the Potential Exposure to Anthrax Adobe PDF file
Integrity is a core value relevant to all of CDC/ATSDR activities. The integrity concept involves consistency of actions, values, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. Integrity can also involve responsibility, trustworthiness, respect, caring, overall fairness and doing the right thing because it is the right thing. The mission of CDC mandates that its activities have the highest level of integrity to promote top quality public health. The Office of Scientific Integrity (OSI) was established within OADS to ensure that CDC science and research activities comply with various federal laws, regulations, and policies. OSI also combines similar scientific functional areas to facilitate the streamlining and effectiveness of critical scientific support functions often processed in sequential order.
There are several functional areas of OSI:


 Isn't that special, search for a report that says an agency has dysfunction and corruption and get four articles by that very organization (the CDC). See, that's the kind of BullS%#t I don't like. The fifth result was an article from Ring of Fire Radio written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. "CDC Scientist Still Maintains Agency Forced Researchers To Lie About Safety Of Mercury Based Vaccines." This article states that "A senior CDC vaccine safety scientist, Dr. William Thompson, has invoked the protection of the Federal Whistleblower Statute following the release of his taped conversations disclosing pervasive corruption within CDC’s Vaccine Safety Division." Dr. Thompson, a sixteen year veteran and a senior scientist at CDC’s Immunology Safety Office is currently employed at CDC’s National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities. Thompson is an author of two of the three epidemiological studies on American population touted by CDC to “prove” the safety of Thimerosal against developmental disabilities. Here's the problem: The vaccine industry’s foremost spokesman and the world’s premier champion for Thimerosal in vaccines, Dr. Paul Offit, stated in 2008 that Dr. Thompson’s “wonderful” 2007 study was the “definitive” study on Thimerosal safety. But Thompson now says that his bosses at CDC pressured him to alter the results of that study to conceal Thimerosal’s risks. Dr. Thompson says that his superiors at the CDC Developmental Disabilities Branch pressured him to manipulate the study’s findings and to bury the links between Thimerosal and brain damage.   In response to this pressure, the published version downplayed data showing that Thimerosal causes “Tics”, a family of grave neurological injuries – including Tourette’s Syndrome – that are associated with Autism. Thompson now says that the data showed a definitive statistically significant association between Thimerosal and tics. “Thimerosal from vaccines cause tics…. I can say tics are four times more prevalent in kids with autism." See more in the article "CDC Scientist Still Maintains Agency Forced Researchers To Lie About Safety Of Mercury Based Vaccines. I tried to find the study but it seems to be buried somewhere, must be in the same place that the mainstream media news reports that disappeared (2 of them from CNN.

What Parts of the CDC Are Dysfunctional and/or Corrupt?

     The studies found two divisions in particular that were dysfunctional and corrupt. The Vaccine and Immunology Safety division and the Vaccine Advisory Board that decides which vaccines should be put on the schedule. As I mentioned, I, as a child, received 3-5 vaccines, my children received about 20 vaccines, and today children receive 69 vaccines. As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says in the video TRACE AMOUNTS Q&A with Robert F. Kennedy jr in Sacramento at the Crest on April 7, 2015 "you would hope that the people on these committees that decide which vaccines are put on the schedule were independent scientists who were focused on public health, but that's not the case. The fact is that virtually all the people on these advisory committees have very serious, grave, financial entanglements with the pharmaceutical industry. Big Pharma is a trillion dollar a year industry and vaccines are an increasing high profit portion of that. In addition to this, don't forget that the pharmaceutical companies have complete immunity from lawsuits having to do with any defects in manufacturing the vaccines. They had that law passed in 1985, coincidentally about 5-6 years later autism like illnesses started increasing with the number of vaccines being increased. That law goes totally against the 7th amendment, the Bill of Rights, which says "Civil Trials. In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law." Here's an example of people being on the advisory committee having gross conflict of interest: Dr. Paul Offit who is employed by Merck Pharmaceuticals voted to have a vaccine for the "Rotovirus" onto the schedule of vaccines. He was working on a patent for a vaccine for Rotovirus. Six years later he had gotten the vaccine for Rotovirus on the schedule and immediately flipped his patent for his Rotovirus vaccine and sold it for $182M. The Inspector General of HHS said in his study that "97% of the people that sit on those advisory panels have the same sort of conflicts." Really? That's a hard sell if your telling me that when they make decisions on what vaccines should be put on the schedule that they only have the public's interest in mind. That explains why there are 69 vaccines today. And there are another 271 vaccines in the CDC pipeline awaiting approval. Each one of those vaccines are worth a billion dollars, and as soon as one is approved you can see the wall street buzzing and the stock for the company who got it approved spikes.

Dr. Julie Gerberding, Former Director of the CDC

     Damning evidence, revealed in court documents from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, show that Merck was engaged in years of vaccine fraud. The pharmaceutical giant Merck lied to the FDA, used the CDC and committed vaccine crimes against the American public, falsifying their mumps vaccine efficacy rate using rabbit antibodies.

In 2006, Dr. Julie Gerberding was the head of the CDC. During her time there, she oversaw a serious mumps vaccine cover-ups, documented in the antitrust lawsuit, Stephen A Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski vs. Merck & Co.

In January 2010, former CDC head Dr. Julie Gerberding took a high career position as the President of Merck's Vaccine Division. The conflict of interest was apparent. Gerberding sold Merck's fraudulent mumps vaccine for years, and for her deceit, she joined Merck at the helm of their Vaccine Division in 2010. As the court documents reveal, this was no conspiracy theory, but was instead the result of a culture of corruption only to move vaccines for profit. The quotes below come from the antitrust suit.

What Is Thimerosal? Why Is Thimerosal Still Being Used in Vaccines and Why Do The FDA and CDC Want You To Believe They Removed It?

     Thimerosal is a preservative that has been used in some vaccines since the 1930's, when it was first introduced by Eli Lilly Company. It is 49.6% mercury by weight. In a data sheet produced by the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) Vaccine Safety data sheet by the CDC they make the following statement: Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines and other products since the 1930's. There is no convincing evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site. However, in July 1999, the Public Health Service agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated in vaccines as a precautionary measure.They say "There is no convincing evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site." The CDC time after time states that "there is no science out there linking Thimerosal to Autism-like illnesses," but that's simply not true. In writing the book "Thimerosal - Let The Science Speak" Thimerosal - Let The Science Speak - Amazon the publishers spent over $200,000 dollars researching just that fact, they found over five hundred (500) peer review papers that dispute that. In 1999 the FDA had removed thimerosal from over-the-counter (OTC) medications but did not recall the medications leaving them to be administered until about 2003 even though they knew there were problems. Nor did they stop using them in the influenza vaccines.

What is being done to fix the fact that Thimerosal has been linked to Autism Like Diseases and It Still Being Used?

     Remember Dr. Bill Thompson, applied for protection under the Federal Whistleblower Status?
UPDATE 02/01/2015:  Sources have confirmed that Dr. William Thompson (senior scientist at The CDC) has been granted Official Whistleblower Status and immunity. This paves the way for Dr. William Thompson to go before the United States Congress and testify about the CDC FRAUD regarding vaccine safety and to explain the thousands of documents that have been turned over to congressional representatives. See more at Dr. William Thompson Granted Official Whistleblower Status And Immunity .   

Dr. William Thompson has turned over videos and tens of thousands of papers that he said are not only a smoking gun, but will bring the corruption at the CDC to it's knees. Here is more on Dr. Thompson:

Thompson described a pervasive culture of corruption at CDC’s Immunization Safety Office directed toward concealing statistical links between vaccines and brain injuries, particularly autism. “I have a boss who is asking me to lie. The higher ups wanted to do certain things and I went along with it. I was, in terms of chain in command, I was number four out of the five. Colleen [Boyle] was the Division Chief. Marshalyn [Yeargin-Allsopp] was a Branch Chief. Frank [DeStefano] was a Branch Chief at the time.”

Immediately after release of Thompson’s audio taped revelations, Dr. Frank DeStefano, now Chief of the Immunization Safety office, admitted in a September interview to CBS reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, that vaccines may indeed trigger autism in some vulnerable children.

Thompson’s attorneys have handed over thousands of damning CDC documents to Congressman Bill Posey of Florida. Last week, Posey’s staff said that the Congressman is working with Committee Chairman, Lamar Smith, to schedule a hearing this spring on Thompson’s revelations before the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Posey hopes to subpoena Dr. Thompson, who is still employed by CDC; Thompson has promised that he intends to come clean about CDC.   “If forced to testify, I’m not going to lie. I basically have stopped lying.”

From Health Impact News on May 17, 2015: After six months and nearly one billion tweets on Twitter, it took a media frenzy over a small measles outbreak in California at the beginning of 2015 to draw the attention of some in the national media to finally start reporting on the significance of the CDC Whistleblower story from the summer of 2014.

 Patrick Howley of The Daily Caller links to a letter published on the Natural News website from the summer of 2014 sent by Dr. Thompson to then-CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding in February 2004, where he expressed his concerns to Dr. Gerberding about how the CDC was concealing data linking the measles MMR vaccine to autism. (Letter here.) - See more at:  http://healthimpactnObama Grants Immunity To-CDC Whistleblower On Measles Vaccine Link To Autism

Patrick Howley of The Daily Caller has reported that the Obama administration has granted whistleblower immunity to Dr. William Thompson, a senior epidemiologist at the CDC who co-authored and published research on the MMR vaccine for the CDC back in 2004. His decision to become a whistleblower and reveal data that was concealed by the CDC linking the MMR vaccine to autism among African American boys was revealed during the summer of 2014.
In his report, Howley links to a letter published on the Natural News website from the summer of 2014 sent by Dr. Thompson to then-CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding in February 2004, where he expressed his concerns to Dr. Gerberding about how the CDC was concealing data linking the measles MMR vaccine to autism. (Letter here.)
- See more at:
Patrick Howley of The Daily Caller has reported that the Obama administration has granted whistleblower immunity to Dr. William Thompson, a senior epidemiologist at the CDC who co-authored and published research on the MMR vaccine for the CDC back in 2004. His decision to become a whistleblower and reveal data that was concealed by the CDC linking the MMR vaccine to autism among African American boys was revealed during the summer of 2014.
In his report, Howley links to a letter published on the Natural News website from the summer of 2014 sent by Dr. Thompson to then-CDC director Dr. Julie Gerberding in February 2004, where he expressed his concerns to Dr. Gerberding about how the CDC was concealing data linking the measles MMR vaccine to autism. (Letter here.)
- See more at:
Here is a video made by Dr. Thompson on why pregnant women shouldn't take any vaccine with Thimerosal in it. Dr. Thompson on Why Pregnant Women Shouldn't Take Any Vaccine with Thimerosal .   

From D.C. Clothesline February, 2015:
Dr. Thompson came clean during the course of several conversations with Dr. Brian Hooker, who is a researcher (PhD in Bioengineering) and the father of a vaccine-injured child.
From Health Impact News:
Dr. Hooker has fought against the CDC for more than 12 years, using the Freedom of Information Act to try and gather as much data as he could from the studies that the CDC has published that claim there is no link between vaccines and autism. He has submitted much of the results of his own internal investigation of the CDC data on vaccines and autism to Congress. Congressman Bill Posey has assisted him in forcing the CDC to comply with many of these requests.
After almost 12 years, his tireless pursuit of finding the truth that the CDC was hiding paid off, as the CDC finally handed over documents so that Dr. Hooker could look at the raw data that the CDC used to claim that there was no link between vaccines and autism. It took some Congressional pressure from Congressman Bill Posey to get this information.
The mainstream media scrambled to discredit Dr. Thompson. The few reports that made it to mainstream news sites were quickly pulled (two of which were on CNN). Most mainstream sites didn’t touch the story (surprise, surprise), but an article that was posted on Yahoo! Finance received quite a bit of attention.

Now, here’s why this story is back in the news: it is being reported that the Obama administration has granted Dr. Thompson official whistleblower status and immunity. This will allow him to testify before Congress about CDC fraud regarding vaccine safety and to explain the thousands of documents that have been turned over to congressional representatives, reports

In Conclusion 

     I for one didn't want to believe that there were people so evil and greedy that they were willing to affect millions of people's lives in such a negative way. But, there is too much cold hard evidence to prove otherwise and believe that corrections will be made. Unfortunately too many people have been hurt, and more will be hurt until the truth comes out and corrections are made. One of them being Thimerosal will be completely removed from all vaccines. Until it is, remember to request that any vaccine you get or get for your child should be either Thimerosal-free or from a single dose vial, not a multi-dose vial which uses the preservative Thimerosal. Did I mention that in Denmark, where they actually did remove Thimerosal from all their vaccines that over the last ten years, since they removed it, occurrences  of Autism and Autism like diseases have declined 37%? 

Please feel free to comment on this article, I'd like to hear your opinion.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"Deflate-Gate" The Punishment, The Opinions of the Punishment, and the Messages Professional Sports Are Sending

Tom Brady and the New England Patriots get Disciplined     
NFL Passes Judgement on "Deflategate"
      May 12, 2015 - John A. Smith, Editor

     The NFL's Commissioner Roger Goodell has passed down consequences on the New England Patriots and Tom Brady for allegedly deflating the footballs they used in the 2015 AFC Championship game against the Indianapolis Colts. Although no one seems to be saying that under-inflated footballs had an effect on the final outcome of a 45-7 victory for the Patriots, Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots find themselves accused of cheating again. In 2007 Belichick was fined $500,000 (the league maximum), and the team was fined for "Spygate" whereas the organization was found to have been videotaping New York Jets' defensive coaches' signals during a September 9, 2007 game. 2007 New England Patriots_videotaping controversy

     Tom Brady was suspended for 4 regular season games, the Patriots were fined $1M and forfeited there 1st round selection in the 2016 NFL draft and their 4th round pick in the 2017 draft. Now repeat offenders of cheating they might want to simply start playing by the rules.

Opinions On The Ruling are Plentiful

      You can certainly find ample opinions both for and against the punishment handed down, and here is mine, not only on the punishment, but on the opinions themselves. I have watched, listened, and read, many comparing this judgement to Ray Rice. I don't think these incidents should be compared at all. 

Should "Deflate-gate" be Compared to the Ray Rice Case?

     First, the Rice incident was not a work incident and did not affect the game or the NFL except for maybe the NFL's brand and the opinion of how well Goodell's disciplinary skills were. I happen to believe that employers should not involve themselves in their employees lives outside of work. However, in this case there was the brand of the NFL to be protected and that "moralities" clause of players in their contracts. I do think the Rice incident was criminal and he should have received the harshest consequences the law had to offer. I just don't think the Rice case and cheating in a game compares. Deflating the balls to make them easier to handle directly affects the game, it's integrity, and fairness of play and the NFL and all of it's parts.   

Do The Penalties Fit The Crime in Deflate-Gate?

     With Tom Brady being suspended for 4 games, that is 25% of the regular season. Is that just? I think that to cheat in this, or any professional sport you take away from the games integrity, the public opinion of the sport, and let's not forget about the fans. Yes, I think this punishment fits the crime, especially since this organization is a repeat offender cheating twice in 8 years. As far as the $1M fine, the Patriots will make that back in about 10 minutes of selling concessions and won't even know it's gone. But yes, appropriate. Now, about the draft picks, this one I find tougher to consider. With discipline you want to deter the accused as well as others whom may consider bending the rules. I think that after being found out, and penalized, in 2007 the Patriots seemed to not be deterred from trying another way to break the rules, so yes, I think the draft picks were appropriate although I'll never know how they decided on the numbers. 1st round, 4th round?

What Messages Are Professional Sports Sending?

     Once upon a time in the not to distant past professional sports offered many things to many children, families, and all fans. Kids looked up to their sports heroes and wanted to emulate them. They were motivated to be like their bigger than life idles both in physical attributes and the way they lived their lives, being charitable, appreciating their fans, etc. Now, it is quite difficult for parents, or even just the father, to take their children to a professional sporting event because it has become quite expensive. Even before many people lost their net worth, their homes, their retirement (401k's), and income inequality separating the wealthy from what used to be a thriving and abundant middle class, the cost of taking the kids to a game became financially prohibitive. You almost have to own, or be invited to sit in a "corporate" box since that's who has the seats. Add to that things like "Spygate", "Deflate-gate", players being convicted of murder when they have a $40M contract to play football, assaulting women, brutally, the messages are not at all good. That's a shame, especially when our youth could really use some positive role models. Yes, I believe that if you are lucky enough to be a professional athlete and get paid very well for it, part of that should be to be a good role model to our children.