Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Indictments For The Poisoning oF The People Of Flint, MI Are Now At The Doorstep Of Republican Governor Rick Snyder - Also, The "Midas" Touch - How Snyder Stole $150M From The Poorest Citizens

Can Governor Rick Snyder Be Indicted Next?

Photo by

John A. Smith, Founder/Editor, New York, December 20, 2016 9:54 AM

Four More Former Government Officials Indicted

     The governor's office in MI is exempt from freedom of information laws (FOIL), which is a story in itself, and Governor Snyder (R-MI) has used that exemption for everything it's worth. Gov. Snyder has refused to release key documents on the poisoning of people in the city of Flint, MI, for the past 2 1/2 years. Anyone that thinks many incriminating documents of Snyder and his appointed Emergency Managers and staff haven't been destroyed by now are simply not in touch with reality. But Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette is still making progress with indictments of former state-appointed Emergency Managers Darnell Earley and Gerald Ambrose and former city employees Howard Croft, a public works superintendent, and Daugherty Johnson, a utilities manager, who were the latest to be charged by AG Schuette. That brings the total indictments to 13 as 9 people had been charged prior to the third round of indictments that took place yesterday. The two Emergency Managers can be sentenced to 40 years in prison each, one of them 46 years because he made public statements that the water was safe to drink when he knew it wasn't. The indictments are now at the door of the Governor, will they make it into his office? With those indicted already saying the decisions were made at the highest levels, the Governor's office, he should be. The system of taking away democracy and replacing local politicians with "Emergency Managers" who are picked by, and who only report to, the Governor, is still in effect in Michigan!

Photo by Fox17

The "Midas" Touch - How Gov. Snyder Stole $150M

     Michigan Integrated Data Automation System, "M.I.D.A.S." is the name of a computer Rachael Maddow (The Rachael Maddow Show/MSNBC) reported on her show yesterday that was brought online by Gov. Snyder in the fall of 2013. Michigan elected Republican Governor Rick Snyder in 2010, he was a computer executive before then. What MIDAS did was kick all human beings out of the process of evaluating unemployment applications. What MIDAS actually did is turn the problem of unemployed people into money. When MIDAS was brought online it started treating everyone who applied for unemployment benefits like criminals. The automated system erroneously accused claimants in 93% of cases of fraud. Michigan unemployment agency made 20,000 false fraud accusations. Instead of getting their unemployment checks applicants had their applications kicked back to them and accused them of fraud. And when it did that it didn't make it clear that applicants could appeal that finding. People did not know they were even eligible to appeal against the fraud charge. People who did appeal, in 9 out of 10 cases, WON! It's an intimidating system where it tells the applicants that they made a fraudulent application and they could go to jail and have to pay fines. The people accused lost access to unemployment payments, and reported facing fines as high as $100,000. Many people did not only not appeal, not get their unemployment benefits, but were scared and started paying the fines. People who didn't pay their fines had their federal and state taxes garnished. People who were expecting a tax return, instead got a letter saying that because of the MIDAS finding of fraud the state was keeping it. Carolyn Hayes was one of the 27,000 people accused of fraud by the MIDAS system. Carolyn won her two appeals, in fact the state auditor general's report showed that of those that appealed the fraud finding, in 9 out of 10 cases won. This system held onto the money that people paid in fines,and the money garnished, and held from federal and state tax returns. You wouldn't think you can get that much money from poorer people but it did. The account that held money paid in fines and such from unemployment, the Michigan Unemployment Agency Contingent Fund, prior to MIDAS being implemented had $3.1M, in 2011. Now, after MIDAS was implemented, it holds $155M. That's MIDAS, it turns everything into gold, or in this case, money. Congressman Sandy Levin (D-MI-9) has been all over this. Two major lawsuits have been filed against the state of Michigan and has resulted in a "limited review" of this MIDAS catastrophe and what it has done to people. So far, of the money took, unlawfully, 2,571 individuals have been repaid a total of $5.4M from the $155M that they stole from these people who lost their job, filed for unemployment, were told they committed fraud, paid fines, all the while not having any money for food and housing. Because it's Michigan though, Rachael Maddow says, "I believe that because they continue to be the least appreciated, and most radical Republicans in the whole country, they passed a bill this week to transfer $10M of that stolen money, calling it a "surplus" unemployment insurance funds to help balance the state budget. They're probably going to try to use all of it before they are ordered to repay the people they stole it from. You know, the people that lost their jobs, had no money for food, clothing, and housing, were not only denied unemployment benefits, but were told they committed fraud and had to pay fines to avoid jail, were not allowed to re-apply, and had their tax returns taken by the state. Even while the investigations are going on, they pass a bill to take $10M of the stolen money to balance their state budget. In 2013 when MIDAS was being put into use Governor Rick Snyder appointed an "Emergency Manager" to the city of Flint. The "Emergency Manager" law is a democracy stealing law that takes away democracy in that it allows the Governor to totally ignore elections of local officials who were duly elected by the people and appoint "Emergency Managers" picked solely by the Governor and who report ONLY to the Governor. It is still in effect. 

Photo by EcoWatch

Donald Trump's Connection To The Flint Water Crisis

     Ryan Schleeter of EcoWatch reports Flint, MI, still does not have clean drinking water. Now, President-elect Donald Trump—whose campaign stump speech included a crude joke about the city's water crisis—has tapped one of the people responsible for the crisis to join his cabinet.

     Betsy DeVos, Trump's pick for Secretary of Education, and her family have a long history of using their wealth to manipulate Michigan state elections and push through "reforms" that undercut local democracy. She's a staunch advocate of privatization measures that shift power from people to corporations—and one of those measures led directly to the poisoning of Flint's water and citizens. Read more.

The MIDAS  Touch References

LANSING, Mich. -- The Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency recently finished a review of 22,427 fraud determinations, and 93 percent of those cases have been overturned, according to the UIA. Of those cases, 2,571 people have been repaid a total of $5.4 million.
Congressman Sander Levin (D-MI 9th District) called for the case reviews in May. Read more.
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder's MIDAS program had a 93% error rate and falsely accused 20,000 workers of unemployment fraud Read more.

Rachael Maddow Reports MIDAS

     As if the Flint water crisis wasn't enough, Michigan's unemployment system installed under Governor Rick Snyder flagged a whopping 93 percent of applicants as fraudulent. See video. Read more.


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Friday, December 16, 2016

The Imbecile (Trump) Is Feeding His Ego With Campaign Style Rallies and Supporting Russia

"We Won In A Landslide" No, You Didn't

You Lost The Popular Vote By 2.5 Million And Ranked 46th In The Electoral College, That's NOT A Landslide

Meme by

John A. Smith, Founder/Editor, New York, December 16, 2016 9:45 AM

     With 34 days left to his inauguration President-elect Donald J. Trump is ignoring the fact the Vladimir Putin is responsible for hacking our country, interfering with our election process, interfering with our political process, and attacking our democracy. He is not only ignoring facts but is discrediting our entire intelligence community.

     Donald Trump has already created dangerous situations where he is being blackmailed by the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. "Some of the most egregious that have emerged involve countries in Asia and it's subregions, particularly the Philippines." Read more: How Donald Trump's Business Ties Are Already Jeopardizing U.S. Interests - Kurt Eichenwald, Newsweek

    Trump has picked for the head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a man who denies climate change, denies climate change! He picked a guy that is against the minimum wage to head up the Depart of Labor. He picked Lt. General Michael Flynn, (Ret.) who "inappropriately shared" classified information with foreign military officers in Afghanistan and was separated from the military yet started a "Lock Her Up" campaign against Hillary Clinton after the FBI found there was no "reasonable" evidence that her e-mail server had compromised classified information. Read more
 He picked someone to head Health and Human Services (HHS) that wants to privatize Medicare. Medicare operates on a 2% administrative cost whereas commercial insurance companies were keeping 40%-50% of the money collected for premiums for administrative costs and turning around and giving that money to executives as bonuses, prior to The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) and are still taking 18%-20% of premiums as "administrative costs." Trump picked the Exxon/Mobil CEO to be Secretary of State. A man who after the United States brokered a deal so that the people in one of the poorest countries in the world would be cared for, after they discovered oil, got the dictator of that country to throw out the U.S. and another oil company to get paid by Exxon and use $4.5B to buy weapons instead of feeding, educating, and building hospitals. Read more.

     The President-elect is choosing to deny what the intelligence community has reported and is supporting Russia saying "hacking, who even knows if there was hacking, and they say it was Russia, they don't know if it was Russia, it could be Russia, or China, or a 400 lb. man in a bed," and that was said AFTER he was briefed and knew it WAS Russia that not only interfered with our election, but quite possible it was done to help him win, and that Vladimir Putin was directly involved.

     Even Republicans are in agreement with President Obama, a very big difference of the case for Obama's entire eight years, that Putin, and Russia, must be retaliated against for what they did, and are still doing. It was reported today that Russian hacking continues unabated to this day.

     President Obama will address the nation at 2:15 PM EST to address this crisis. President Obama yesterday suggested that Vladimir Putin was involved in the hacking and went further in saying that the U.S. WILL respond. "I think there's no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action, and we will, at a time and place of our own choosing. Some of it may be explicit and publicized, some of it may not be, but Mr. Putin is well aware of my feelings on this because I spoke to him directly about this.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Trump and the Press - How Transparent is the President-elect Going To Be?

Photo by
John A. Smith, Founder/Editor, New York, December 15, 2016 10:05 PM

How Transparent is Trump Going To Be?

First he said he would "turn over his tax returns when the Internal Revenue Service audit was completed." After the IRS said there was nothing illegal about him turning over his tax returns during an audit he changed his excuse to "I will turn over my tax returns when Hillary turns over her 33,000 missing e-mails." Well, the election is over making that a moot point, yet, no tax returns. It's no secret that Trump does not like ANY media because they report his exact words, which a very high percentage of the time turn out to be outright lies, or ignorance. Today he tweeted "The media tries so hard to make my move to the White House, as it pertains to my business, so complex - when actually it isn't!" Really?! "How about how his kids are going to run his businesses, and just not tell him anything? What about that long awaited "Press Conference" he's been touting for today that was going to explain how "easy it's going to be.?" Perhaps it was postponed until "sometime in January" because Kurt Eichenwald, (Newsweek) published a cover story on Wednesday showing very serious conflicts that have already been put in play. "Conflicts Zone - How Trump's Business Ties Have Put America In A Bind" was previewed by Rachael Maddow (The Rachael Maddow Show - MSNBC) on Tuesday night and explained how Donald Trump mentioned, in fact carried on about and praised, an executive of the Dogan company, that is the key player in building the "Trump Towers - Istanbul" during a congratulatory phone call from the President of Turkey, the day after he was elected. The President of Turkey wants an Imam, a United States citizen, living in Pennsylvania, extradited, because he believes the Imam is responsible for coordinating the coup attempt in Turkey this past summer. So, on Tuesday, The President of Turkey arrested that executive and blamed him and the founder of the company, for being complicit in the coup attempt. An official in the Turkey government said, "The President of Turkey wants someONE, and the President-elect of the United States wants someTHING (that would be the millions of dollars Trump and his family are getting for letting that company, Dogan, use the Trump name on those towers)." Read the whole story of how Trump is now in a position of getting blackmailed day one of his presidency

Read Kurt Eichenwald's full article - "How Donald Trump's Business Ties Are Already Jeopardizing U.S. Interests

White House Press Briefings

Reince Priebus, President-elect Donald Trump's soon to be Chief of Staff, told conservative radio show host Hugh Hewitt today, "Even looking at things like the daily, the daily White House briefing from the Press Secretary, I mean, there's a lot of different ways things can be done and I assure you we're looking at that. The first front row of assigned seats issue, as I understand it, started in the Obama administration. In the Bush administration, you just took a seat and I guess there were a couple people that had reserved spots, but for the most part, the more formalized reserved seating piece came in over the last eight years. That issue is being talked about. The Point of all this conversation is that the traditions, while some of them are great, I think it's time to revisit a lot of these things that have been done in the White House."

The Flaunting of Ignorance, lack of Knowledge, and the Willingness To Talk Without Knowing Any Facts Is Showing

As Ronald Reagan would say, in response to Priebus's statement "Well, there you go again." First of all it's quite obvious Reince Priebus made this statement without having ANY prior knowledge of White House Press Briefing protocol or history.

The first front row of assigned seats issue, as I understand it, started in the Obama administration." NO, Mr. Priebus, According to a statement put out by Jeff Mason, President of the White House Correspondents' Association, (WHCA) "That was not an Obama-era innovation as Mr. Priebus suggested. The WHCA assumed responsibility for assigning seats in the briefing room over the last two decades at the request of both Republican and Democratic administrations, who were mindful of the potential appearance of playing favorites if they assigned seats themselves.

Trump has said recently of his tweeting "I tweet because press not covering my honestly." Does President-elect Trump understand what a "free press" is? I know for a fact he doesn't know what a "blind trust" is. Does he think that when the press reports his exact words, which are often lies, outrageous fabrications, and attacks on our (soon to be his) intelligence community that the press is being dishonorable?

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Newsweek To Break Conflict Where Trump Is Pressured By Turkey Tomorrow - Rachael Maddow Has Exclusive Tonight!

B R E A K I N G   N E W S

Trump Team Knows Story Coming Out Tomorrow On Cover Of  Newsweek Shows Serious Conflict With Turkey

John A. Smith, Founder/Editor, New York, December 12, 2016, 10:38 PM

Photo by Business Insider
     Once again Kurt Eichenwald, a Contributing editor, Vanity Fair, Senior Writer Newsweek, a New York Times bestselling author and a veteran investigative reporter who has done a lot of  investigative reporting on businesses like Enron, has NYT best selling books including 500 Days, Conspiracy of Fools, Serpent On The Rock, and The Informant is breaking another blockbusting story on the cover of Newsweek tomorrow and once again Rachael Maddow, (The Rachael Maddow Show, MSNBC) has been given an exclusive "peek" at that story tonight. "Conflict Zone - How Trump's Business Ties Have Put America In A Bind" will be on the cover and the story will tell how Trump is being pressured by Turkey. Eichenwald has gone full throttle into Trump while he was a candidate and what the President-elect is dragging into the political field from his business life including his active business ties with foreign governments and his alleged breaking of the Cuban embargo through his business. Maddow reports that as of tomorrow Eichenwald is about to publish new allegations that in at least one case a foreign government may have already taken action to threaten the private business interests of the President-elect as a way of getting something that that foreign government wants from the United States government. This is a serious allegation.

Background on the Beginning Of The Conflict

     It starts with out with a project called Trump Towers, a twin building complex in Turkey. Trump did not build the towers but is being paid a lot of money to let them use his name on the buildings. The buildings were built by a company called Dogan. The son-in-law of the founder of Dogan, who now has a key operational role since the founder, the patriarch, has moved into semi-retirement. The son-in-law had the biggest role in building these towers in Istanbul, Turkey. 

The Hook - How Trump Snared Himself

     Now the story. The day after our election one of the world leaders that called President-elect Trump was the President of Turkey. One of the strange things reported about that "congratulatory" call was that Trump brought up by name, that executive from the Dogan company. The key guy on the Trump Towers business deal. He not only brought up that executives name but indeed praised him repeatedly to the President of Turkey while he was taking this "congratulatory" call. Now Newsweek reports that Turkey has now figured out how to turn that into a advantage and put America over a barrel. 

The Line - Action Is Taken By Turkey

     On December 1st the top representative of the Dogan company got arrested in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, by the Turkish police. Our President-elect chose to use that congratulatory call from the Turkish President to tell him how important that company was to him and named the specific executives and look what happened. "On December 1, authorities detained Barbaros Murtgl, a 28-year veteran of Dogan who was the company's representative to Ankara, the Turkish capital." Newsweek reports that "a senior Dogan executive is detained on threadbare allegations." The Turkish President says that the executive, and the founder of the company, were tied to the coup attempt that happened this past summer. 

The Sinker - What Turkey's Play Is To Get What They Want

     The Turkey government desperately wants a Turkish Imam that lives here in the United States, in Pennsylvania. He is a legal U.S. resident and Turkey wants him extradited so they can lame him for the coup attempt. Until now the U.S. government has said no. They have been fighting for his extradition since the coup attempt occurred. But what if you can squeeze the personal financial interests of the United States President? The Trump family stand to make millions of dollars from their relationship with the Dogan company. Newsweek reports "If Erdogan's (the Turkish President) government puts more pressure on the company that's paying millions of dollars to Trump and his children, revenue flowing from the tower complex in Istanbul could be cut off. That means Erdogan has leverage with Trump, who will soon have the power to get Gulen (the Imam living in Pennsylvania) extradited." The financier with contacts in the Turkish government explained the dynamic to Newsweek: "Erdogan has something he believes Trump wants (money,) and Trump has someone Erdogan desperately wants." As Newsweek puts it Trump has business interests in Istanbul, those personal business interests appear to be getting squeezed by the Turkish government to try to get the United States of America to do what Turkey wants. That is the explosive claim, among others that the Newsweek plans to publish tomorrow. 

Change Of Plans On That Announcement About How He Plans To Deal With Business Conflicts 

     Trump announced last week that he was going to "reveal" his plan on how he was going to "deal with" his business interests. That long planned announcement has been postponed late tonight, indefinitely. It's starting!


Sunday, December 11, 2016

How Big Is Our Mental Health Problem? Do YOU Believe The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Was Nothing More Than A Big Hoax? Do YOU Believe The Stock Market Has Gone Down and that Unemployment Has Gone Up Since Obama Took Office? YOU May Need A Checkup!

Image by Quotesgram

John A. Smith, Founder/Editor, New York, December 11, 2016

Blame Whatever, Fake News, the Internet, Stupidity, or Mental Illness, People Are Gullible and We Are All Going To Suffer The Oligarchy, Plutocracy, Created By Dumb Ass People! 

     Personally I think mental illness is far more out of control than just the issues involving mentally ill people being able to purchase firearms legally. I look at our last election and see that of the people who voted for Trump over 60% think the unemployment has gone UP  since President Obama took office, it hasn't, it went from 7.8% to 4.9%. Those same voters think the stock market has gone DOWN! Really?! It was just above 7,000 when he took office and is now above 19,000! What universe are these people living in? It must be one that houses the mentally ill. Really. Here's an Update on President Obama's Numbers from as of July 2016, know that as of today the stock market is above 19,000! Here are 14 facts about President Obama's achievements that most people don't know. Although the post is from a source I don't know all 14 facts are indeed verifiable. 14 Facts About Obama's Presidency Most People Don't Know .

     Then we have those Trump supporters/voters who actually believe, and do NO research whatsoever, people like Alex Jones of "InfoWars" notability and Stephen Bannon, who was heading up Breitbart, a right-wing, conspiracy theory website that is funded by Trump's number one supporter and contributor, that totally fabricates stories, I should say "theories" that have no basis in reality whatsoever. President-Elect Donald Trump's very first appointment after winning the electoral college but losing the popular vote by more that 2.5 million as of today, was Stephen Bannon as his "Chief White House Strategist and Senior Counselor." 

The Monsters Attacking Sandy Hook Families Are The Worst Of Us

By Bob Owens December 9, 2016

     "In the latest episode over the proliferation of fake news and the people who believe it, a Tampa woman who thinks the Sandy Hook school massacre in Newtown, CT was staged has been charged with threatening a parent of one of the slain children." Read more

     And for all of those who think that the massacre at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, CT, where 20 elementary school children and 6 teachers and administrators were killed, was nothing more than a massive hoax, I don't believe we have the proper treatment for them. 

Why Won't Donald Trump Denounce Sandy Hook Deniers?

By William Finnegan November 22, 2016 The New Yorker

     "In the rank confusion of Donald Trump's preparations to assume power, there are some decisions that look as if  they should be easy.  Last week, Erica Lafferty wrote the President-elect an open letter asking him to cut ties with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Lafferty is the daughter of Dawn Hochsprung, who was the Principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, CT. On December 14, 2012 Hochsprung was shot to death trying to stop Adam Lanza who murdered 20 children and five other adults at the school, in addition to his mother, earlier that day, before killing himself.   Jones who is based in Austin, TX, who runs a radio show and Web site called InfoWars has repeatedly argued that the mass shooting at Sandy Hook was a hoax, that it was staged by the government and performed by paid actors. Jones and many of his fans contend that the government has orchestrated a number of mass shootings and national tragedies including the September 11th terror attacks and the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City, but their Sandy Hook denial has a particular cruelty. They actually seem to make special efforts to torment the bereaved."

     "I invite him to my town," Lafferty said, speaking of Jones, when I called her last week. "Invite him to my family dinners. Come sit in my mother's empty seat. If they want to tell me that she's still alive, show me. Nothing would make me happier. Show me where she's sitting on some island sipping a drink."

     How hard for the incoming President of the United States to disavow this ugliness? Reince Priebus who will soon be President Trump's Chief of Staff told CNN last week "It's really important all Americans understand that he is a president for everyone." Does Priebus understand where his new boss has positioned himself among the grieving, doubly victimized families of Newtown?" Read more .

Obama's Accomplishments To Spite The Unprecedented Obstruction To Be Undone

     On January 20, 2009 President Obama took office, 700,000 jobs PER MONTH were being lost. Republicans met a couple miles away from the inauguration ceremonies in a hotel conference room and swore they would oppose and block everything and anything the new president wanted to do. To spite them he actually saved the auto industry and one-and-a-half million jobs in that one act. He did get 20 million Americans healthcare against tremendous obstruction and after he did Republicans spent over $7M of taxpayer money voting to repeal "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" dubbed "Obamacare." The Republicans spent that money voting to repeal the law no less than 54 times knowing for a fact that it would never be signed by the President. They didn't care they were wasting YOUR money, at all, acting like children, while being paid $175,000/yr and more, and given a platinum healthcare plan for themselves.

400 Obama Accomplishments So Far With Citations

     In 2008, we elected the most progressive president in history. And regardless of the negativity, when you actually look at the record, there has been a lot of progress since January 20, 2009. If you’ll recall, when he took over the reins of power, the economy was in free-fall and we were practically a world laughingstock. That is no longer the case.
Here is a list of many of President Obama’s accomplishments as President. Every one of them has a citation, so no one can dismiss them out of hand, although many have tried since I started to compile this list Even with the obstacles we gave him, especially the Republican Congress, this President will leave behind a wonderful legacy. Read more . 

In Summary   

     I don't know how many believers, supporters, voters, gullible people that voted for Trump, or voted for a third party candidate, or people who didn't vote at all, or the Democrats themselves like Hillary Clinton and the other conspirators like Debbie Wassermann-Schultz that conspired to beat Bernie Sanders, know how much damage they've done by electing someone who 1) never really wanted the job of President; 2) has no clue on what the job is or the requirements of it; 3) is going to operate in a way to make himself even richer by using the office (he is already doing this); 4) is a racist; 5) a misogynist; 6) an enormous egomaniac; 7) a narcissist that needs to be fed regularly (just look at his unprecedented "Thank You" rallies; 8) has so much hate in his heart that he appoints a white supremacist, neo-Nazi to be his Chief Strategist; 9) Picks someone that runs a large oil corporation and has some 40 active lawsuits against the EPA, and denies climate change to be the head of the EPA; 10) Picks a CEO of a corporation that is the parent company for hamburger chains; Carl's Jr., Hardees, in which the Dept. of Labor investigated and found that MORE THAN HALF of those restaurants were violating hour-wage labor laws; 11) picks a neurosurgeon that has never run a company much less a government or any other kind of agency to be the head of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) after he has made numerous derogatory remarks about urban developments; and I can keep going on and on, and he's not even sworn in yet. 

     The person you all are responsible for getting elected has already shown he doesn't know what he's doing. He had the Prime Minister of Japan coming to meet with him and that Prime Minister had to put out in public, because foreign leaders didn't have any contact information, the day before they were supposed to meet, that they didn't know where or when they were actually supposed to meet him. The Prime Minister didn't find out until he was already "wheels up" in Japan. The person that arranged and took a call from the leader of Taiwan which we (America) haven't recognized as a government since 1979 aggravating a diplomatic precedent we have with China. Who at the time of the Japan Prime Minister's visit hadn't even contacted the Pentagon or the State department. A man whose entire team was surprised that they were going to have to fill 4,000 positions within the government. A man who has still not filled many of the positions needed to run the government and the country, so much so that people in those positions are asking what they should do if January 20th comes and no one has shown up to trained. What they should do with all their files and such.

You can't fix stupidity, I just hope that this country is not beyond repair when this reality show ends.