Friday, April 1, 2016

John Oliver Examines the One Proposal that Trump has Actually Shared Anything on "HOW" He would Execute

      "I'm Going To Build A Wall, A GREAT Wall, It's Going To Be So GREAT, The BEST Wall Ever, and Mexico Is Going To Pay For It"  - Donald Trump

John A. Smith, Editor/Founder of this blog "Get Involved For A Better America" March 27, 2016

People Angry At "Bought And Paid For Politicians" and "Establishment"

     Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump has got people into a frenzy, and some have become violent, partly because he "says things the way they really are," according to the supporters. Granted that it has become painfully obvious that people, in general, both Republican and Democrats, are angry that politicians who accept very large donations from 1%er's and large corporations are indeed indebted to those contributors, and therefore laws are made to protect and assist them without any regard for the actual people that those politicians are supposed to be representing. Up to as many as 70% of people in polls have said they are disgusted with 1) Politicians who are bought and paid for by the rich and corporations, and 2) so called "establishment" politicians who "go along to get along" and whom just go through the motions of looking like they are representing their constituents but are actually working for their party and the large contributors. At times the obstructionists in the Republican party have threatened their own members with running someone against them in their next primary if they don't vote the way the party wants them to, which is against anything President Obama supports. With this being a fact, Trump has been able to soar in polls and get followers to vote for him in primaries. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has also inspired a number of young people to get involved in the political process because they want things to change. The number of people that show up at Senator Sanders rallies is astounding, and shows people want someone that is straight talking and for the people, not for the corporations and ultra rich. Sanders also is able to do the straight talk, and tell the truth. He is able to say what is on his mind because he has received over 6 million individual donations which average only $27 per donation. Sanders is not taking the kind of money from Wall Street and 1%er's like other candidates in the Presidential campaigns and does not have a Super PAC like Hillary Clinton (D-NY) whose Super PAC recently raised over $15M. He speaks the truth because he's not a puppet, and not beholden to 1%er's and large corporations. Sanders has been said to be organizing a "revolution" which is bringing a lot of young people into politics. That is why when there is a large voter turn out Bernie Sanders does very well. Hillary Clinton just took 5 days off her campaign for fundraising, fundraising from the 1%er's and corporations which people are unhappy about. This has lead to Trump making outrageous, unrealistic, false, statements and outright lies that he knows will get people riled up. He actually makes fun of his supporters, he has said things like "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any supporters." Not only are his proposals mostly unrealistic but are impossible to execute, unconstitutional, and require others to adhere to his ridiculous ideas  ("Mexico will pay for the wall"), which don't seem likely at all. His proposal to ban any Muslims from entering the country is just ridiculous because 1) every country that has flights to the United States would have to require Custom Agents to screen all passengers by asking them if they are Muslim. It isn't realistic to think that Mr. Trump would be able to get that kind of cooperation from all over the world to go along with his proposal. n if that happened, it never would, you would have to have the "Muslim" say they were Muslim. Who on earth thinks that an actual terrorist that is Muslim would answer "yes" to the question from a customs officer "Are you Muslim?" because the only way to know if someone is Muslim is by asking them; and 2) those passengers that were asked if they were Muslim would have to answer yes knowing that when they did they would be denied boarding! For a Muslim to say yes, he or she is a Muslim when they know they will not be able to board, especially a Muslim terrorist, is just not realistic and in fact absurd. It is truly insane to try to understand why people actually follow, and believe, Donald Trump. Knowing what we do about voters and the fact of why they are truly angry at the way things are we understand why people like to hear things that Trump blurts out, off the cuff, but to believe he could actually do what he proposes when he offers no actual ways of doing them is just dumb. Trump says all these things like his slogan "We will make America GREAT again, "the wall will be a GREAT wall," "Mexico will pay for the wall," "I will make the BEST deals and wipe out the bad deals that our leaders have made," but has rarely ever said HOW he would do any of it. Since one of the first things he said he would do is "build a wall" he has actually gotten pressed enough to give a few specifics about his idea of this wall. He said initially that the wall would cost "about $4B, they say $10B but it would only cost $4B if you know what your doing." And this is where John Oliver on "Last Week Tonight" on HBO Sundays at 10PM ET picks up the story.

John Oliver Examines the One Proposal That Trump has Actually Shared Any Specifics About - THE WALL

     Donald Trump said "the wall will cost about $4B, they say $10B but it will be $4B if you know what your doing." John Oliver started by saying "lets look at a serious proposal by a serious candidate seriously." Trump subsequently changed his estimates of what the wall would cost to: "the wall will cost about $6B; then he said the wall will cost $8B-$10B"; then to "the wall will cost maybe $12B." "Trump's margin of error is equal to the entire GDP of Moldova." said Oliver.

State flag of Moldova

     During a stump speech by Trump a child asked "what will the wall be made of"? Trump said that's a great question and brought the boy up on stage. His answer was "hardened concrete, reinforcement bars (rebar) and steel." Trump has given numerous statements about how tall the wall would be, he has answered anywhere from 35' to 90'. Actual estimates for a 35 foot wall, by experts, put the cost as follows: $10B for the concrete panels, $6B for steel and labor, $1B for footings, $2B to build roads so 20-ton trucks can get the materials to the site, and another 30% for design, engineering, and management. That puts the estimated cost at 2-6 times Trumps estimate, that's $25B. That's not worst thing. Two other factors are worse than the cost estimates, 1) The government has no buffer between the border and where the fence would be built (because a lot of the border is actually the Rio Grande river) causing the government to either have the land signed over by the property owners, or taken away from those property owners. That happened when GWB ordered a 700 mile fence. One couple was told they have to sign over 3/4 of their property, they said no, so the government used eminent domain and took their property. This same scenario happened many, many, times. 2) Studies showed that maintenance would pass the construction costs in seven years meaning the maintenance would cost more than $25B every seven years. In addition there are other problems. GWB signed a law to build the fence and allowed waived 36 laws allowing Homeland Security to ignore those laws. Laws like the "Endangered Species Act" and 35 others. While they were building the 700 mile wall the government unearthed graves, sacred burial grounds. Perhaps the biggest problem with the efficacy of the wall stopping illegal immigration is that more than half of illegal aliens entering the country do so by coming through actual controlled border points. They enter on work, and other visas and simply overstay their visas time. The next problem is that drug cartels build and use tunnels, and actually have devices to simply launch drugs over the wall, like a catapult.