Thursday, August 22, 2013

If People Don't Start Making "Informed Decisions" We're Headed for Disaster!

 Hundreds of Millions of Dollars is Spent on Misinformation in the Media and We Will Live With the Results, For Better, or For Worse!

This link: "More Louisiana Republicans Blame President Obama For Hurricane Katrina Response Than Bush" is to an article that published on August 21, 2013. The article was written by Rebecca Leber.

The information in the article, especially the polling information, is exactly the reason why I recently decided that I had to do something to get involved, instead of just complaining, about all the problems that we Americans face today. There are a very large number of people in this country that, for one reason or another, receive VERY LITTLE information about issues that effect them directly, like healthcare, the financial industry that was deregulated and allowed some very greedy people to wipe out people's entire net worth, and much more. Unfortunately, the little bit of information they receive is MISINFORMATION! Hundreds of millions of dollars are now spent on political campaigns across this country and for some reason the candidates are allowed to tell blatant lies, and yes, everyone does it, Republicans AND Democrats. 

This practice causes people to think they know what is true about an issue, when in fact, a candidate/politician in office, may have just told the OPPOSITE of the truth. But, because they saw it on television, read it in a newspaper, or, the best of all, seen it on the internet, it MUST BE TRUE! Even worse is because people hear two completely opposite points of view on a single topic so often, they tune out, and don't listen to anything. 

In the article there was some polling, they asked a question: Who do you think was more responsible for the poor response to hurricane Katrina: George W. Bush or Barack Obama? 

It was the results of this poll, and what I see everyday, that just final was the straw that broke the camels back, and made me decide I had to do something! These were the results:

29 percent of Louisiana Republicans say President Obama is more to blame for the botched executive branch response to Hurricane Katrina while just 28 percent blamed George W. Bush. A plurality of 44 percent said they were unsure who was more responsible, even though Hurricane Katrina occurred over three years before Obama entered the presidency when he was still a freshman Senator!

I created a blog called "Get Involved for a Better America," and a Facebook page called "Stop the Obstructionist Tea Party," , to educate the low-information voters, and to motivate informed people to vote. I figure that if I can give even one person the facts about something important to them, that at least they can vote for someone after making  an informed decision.
The amount of money being spent to misinform people is out of control and getting worse. What a significant number of people believe in this country, on a wide range of issues is not only sad, but outright DANGEROUS! If people don't start making informed decisions, and demanding that their Congressman, Senators, and even local politicians represent THEM, I don't believe that this country is going to get any better. In fact it will get worse! 

I hope that everyone will take responsibility to get even one person, that is low information to learn the facts, and make an informed decision. It truly is in all of our best interests.

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