Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Now is the Time to GET INVOLVED

Contact your Congressmen and Senators NOW!

Continuing Resolution, Debt Ceiling, Government Shutdown

It is almost incomprehensible that some extreme, right-wing, idealists, like Senator Ted Cruz are willing to use raising the debt ceiling or passing a continuing resolution (CR) as a bargaining chip and hold these normal processes hostage to shutting down the government. Many other Republicans remember the backlash their party endured after the last two shutdowns, and want no part of it. That doesn't stop the obstructionist and they have such tunnel-vision that they really don't care what the effects of another shutdown are, nor do they care one bit. It is more likely that the Senate will add the funding of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) into the bill the House of Representatives passed, and send it back to the House. What should be discussed is what House Speaker John Boehner proposed which leaves all the sequestration cuts for non-defense spending in place while leaving defense alone, and in fact increasing the funding. President Ronald Reagan raised the debt ceiling 18 times without hardly a word being spoken, in fact, most people didn't know what the ceiling was. But, President Obama has had nothing easy, the Republicans decided on day one of his presidency that if he is for something they will be against it. There have been numerous things that the Republicans came up with, proposed, but once President Obama said he would agree to it, the Republicans then said they would block it, their own bills in some cases! Think about jobs, infrastructure is something this country really needs to have upgraded and repaired, 80% of the bridges in this country are in need of repair. Many bridges actually are failing inspection, yet the Congress wouldn't even pass a jobs bill bill to have the infrastructure improved, because President Obama wanted it. That is absurd people! Below is what the effects of past shutdowns were and possible effects if we have another shutdown, please look at the history and think about what another shutdown will mean for you and then contact your representatives by phone or e-mail. The only time, it seems, that the Congressmen will even hear the people is when they are overwhelmed with contact from the people. We do have power when we come together, let's use that power. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, Conservative or Liberal, you can't possibly be happy with the Congress, that is shown by their current approval rating. So let's speak up and force them to work for us instead of being concerned only with them keeping their well paid jobs with golden healthcare plans. 

What Exactly is a Government Shutdown?

Based on the previous government shutdownshttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/government-shutdown there could be wide-reaching effects. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/government-shutdown According to AOL News, some immediate effects, such as the closing of national parks and museums, would be easily seen, while other services may only see delays. Based on previous shutdowns we know that certain things will happen;

A government shutdown occurs when a government discontinues providing services that are not considered "essential." Typically, essential services include police, fire fighting, armed forces, utilities and corrections. Interestingly, Congress and the President are exempt from the furlough and continue to receive compensation despite the fact that other services are suspended.

According to Congress.org, "Under Article I, Section 6 of the Constitution, members of Congress 'shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States.'"

What Stops if the Government Shuts Down October 1st?

 1. Workers will be furloughed without pay.
The first shutdown in 1995, which lasted five days, affected 800,000 non-essential federal employees. The second shutdown, which lasted three weeks, furloughed 260,000 employees without pay. (Most eventually collected paychecks.)

2. National parks and museums will close.
In 1995-96, 368 National Park Service sites closed, as well as national museums and monuments. That meant losses of over 2 million visitors and associated tourism revenue to states.

3. Veterans' services will be affected.
Health, travel, finance and welfare services for U.S. veterans will be curbed.

4. Visa and passport processing will be delayed.
The U.S. tourism and airline industries reportedly lost millions of dollars after the 1995-96 shutdowns halted visa and passport processing. Approximately 200,000 U.S. passport applications went unprocessed during the shutdowns and 20,000 to 30,000 foreign visa applications were unprocessed.

5. Border patrol and law enforcement will be curtailed.
The last shutdown had a number of consequences for law enforcement and public safety operations, including reported cancellation of hiring 400 border patrol agents and cancellation of federal law enforcement recruiting programs. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms also saw delays in processing license applications.

 What Will Continue on October 1st if there is a Shut Down?

From The Washington Post
-- Any employee or office that "provides for the national security, including the conduct of foreign relations essential to the national security or the safety of life and property." That means the U.S. military will keep operating, for one.
-- Any employee who conducts  "essential activities to the extent that they protect life and property." So, for example: Air traffic control stays open. So do all emergency medical care, food-safety inspections, border patrol, federal prisons, law enforcement, emergency and disaster assistance, overseeing the banking system, operating the power grid, and guarding federal property.
-- Agencies have to keep sending out benefits and operating programs that are written into permanent law or get multi-year funding. That means sending out Social Security checks and providing certain types of veterans' benefits.
-- All agencies with independent sources of funding remain open, including the U.S. Postal Service and the Federal Reserve.
-- Congress also stays open, since its funding is written into permanent law. Some White House employees may have to go home, however.
Do these "essential" employees who keep working get paid?
They don't get a paycheck during the shutdown. They do, however, receive retroactive pay if and when Congress decides to fund the government again.

If you have had enough and want to have your opinion heard contact your Congressmen and Senators. If you need to find contact information for your representatives, or to find out who your representatives is, use the "Pages" links in the left margin of this blog. You can find who your Congressmen and Senators are, how to contact them, and even how they voted on any bill that has been presented. It's time for these people making $174,000/yr and more, who have government paid golden health plans to start finding ways to work together so that the American people benefit, not just them.

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