Sunday, January 12, 2014

Senator's Daughter's Life Saved by a Procedure Developed in Socialized Medicine and Performed in Gov't Funded Facility - He then Totally Lies about it to Sway People Away From the ACA

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) Has Daughter Whose Life was Saved at Government Funded Medical Institution, with a Procedure Performed Under the "Socialized" Healthcare Systems in Brazil and France

Senator Ron Johnson - My daughter's life was saved by a procedure that was developed in a "socialized" medical system in Brazil and France. Dr. Foker performed my daughter’s surgery at a government funded medical institution, The University Of Minnesota’s Medical School. Thirty years later I completely lied and tried to sway voters away from Obamacare by saying my daughter's life-saving surgery wouldn't have been possible under the Affordable Care Act.

Republican Senator Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) has repeatedly told his followers that a reconstructive heart surgery saved his baby daughter’s life, 30 years ago.

Johnson claimed that his daughter’s heart surgery wouldn’t have been possible, under the ACA.  You see, he was trying to sway voters away from the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Johnson claimed that the ‘healthcare freedom’ he enjoyed when his daughter was born would soon be a thing of the past, thanks to Obamacare. “I would not have run for the U.S. Senate had Obamacare not been passed,” he told Johnson even claimed that the ACA was an attack on ‘healthcare freedom’, and it was that freedom that allowed his daughters surgery to have a happy outcome. he said:

“What this health care law is all about, it’s an assault on our freedom. It’s going to lower the quality of our care. It’s going to lead to rationing. The types of medical innovation that saved my daughter’s life [and] that saves millions of Americans — I won’t say it’s going to come to a grinding halt, but it’s going to be severely limited.”

There are a few problems with almost EVERYTHING you said Mr. Senator.

As it turns out, however, the doctor who performed his daughter’s surgery does not agree with Johnson’s false interpretation of the law. Not only that, but he provided the Uppity Wisconsin with a great deal of insight about the surgery, including how it was developed and where it was performed. Surprise, it’s not quite the way Senator Johnson made it sound.

By now you have probably figured out that much of what republicans say is simply not true. In this case, however, it turns out there’s more than the usual amount of manipulation of facts.

Doctor John Foker, the physician who performed the operation on Senator Johnson’s daughter  was recently interviewed by Jud Lounsbury, a reporter with Uppity Wisconsin. It turns out the doctor completely disagrees with Johnson’s statements regarding the Affordable Care Act. He said he’s “generally supportive” of the new healthcare law, but stressed that he also thinks it does not go far enough.

    “Unfortunately it was written by the insurance and drug companies, so not so great”

he told Lounsbury.

Foker also said that “Republican lawmakers should relish the ACA’s “private-solution” approach.

Dr. Foker does not appear to support the GOP.

Dr. Foker, the miracle doctor who Senator Johnson cited time and time again as the man who saved his daughter’s life, is none too happy with the way republicans are behaving. He openly criticized the GOP for obstructionist tactics, which have served to keep many citizens from receiving healthcare coverage . His final word on the subject of republicans?

    “They’re never happy.”

 Did Johnson lie about his own daughter’s surgery?

That’s not all. It also turns out that Dr. Foker performed Johnson’s daughter’s surgery at a government funded medical institution, The University Of Minnesota’s Medical School. And the surgery that was used to save the girl’s life was not even developed in United States, under the “freedom of healthcare” system that Johnson claimed was threatened by the ACA. The surgery was first performed under the socialized healthcare systems in Brazil and France.

One can only wonder if Senator Johnson was purposefully lying about his own daughter or if he simply doesn’t understand the healthcare law and the medical profession. He seems to have seriously misrepresented the feelings of the doctor whose ‘freedoms’ he claimed to be defending.

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