Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Senator David Vitter (R-LA) Announces Run For Governor of Louisiana, Remember the "Vitter Amendment" he Wrote That Had No Basis in Reality

Senator David Vitter (R-LA) Getty Images explaining a situation he had with "Hookers." Photo by Getty Images.
Sen. David Vitter announced on Tuesday morning that he will run for governor of Louisiana in 2015.
PLEASE check out my blog post fully explaining why the "Vitter Amendment" had no basis in reality, because Congress and their Staffers GET EMPLOYER-PAID HEALTH INSURANCE! Their paid health insurance is considered part of their salary and the Office of Personal Management (OPM) simply would not of allowed Senator Chock Grassley's bill to force the Congress and staff to buy insurance through the Affordable Care Act exchanges. It's as simple as that. But to this day you can hear hear TeaPublicans say the President gave Congress a "exclusion" from the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare,) which just is not the facts.


"I believe that as our next governor I can have a bigger impact addressing the unique challenges and opportunities that we face in Louisiana," Vitter said in a Youtube video launching his gubernatorial run.
The conservative Republican said that while his "active campaign" won't start until next year, he has already laid the groundwork for it by holding hundreds of listening sessions across the state. He said if he becomes governor it will be his "last political job, elected or appointed. Period."  Read More from Politico

We have a tough fight in 2014 and one reason is because of the gerrymandering state legislators are doing and the Voter ID (suppression) laws that Governors have implemented in 34 states. We need to take back control of the State Legislatures and not allow people like Mr. Vitter to govern any state.

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